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Do you want to quickly get a good start with Python, Data Analytics or JavaScript?

Do you feel like you’re not using the full power of the systems and tools you’re using or the systems you’ve been building?

Do you feel like the pace you’re writing code in is slowing down because of decisions you’ve made earlier?

Does your organisation have a lot of data that you need insight from but you don’t know how to go from data to making better decisions?

I support individuals and organisations in growing their skills and how they use their tools. I can help you know your tools better, but also learn about effective patterns of those tools, which roads to take and which to avoid.

In-person or online workshops and courses

In-person and online workshops and courses are a quick and effective way of improving skills. Hands-on practicing in a positive and supportive environment allows you to quickly make and learn from mistakes, which is essential to all learning.

Workshops can consist of 1 or more half-day or full-day sessions. For more material I recommend a course-style structure that’s split over multiple weeks.

What you or your organization needs will depend on the subject, the existing experience of the participants and the set goals.

Educational content creation

Our world is always changing, especially when you’re working with digital tools. Learning about technical tools is a challenging area where technology, psychology, neurology and motivation meet.

I can help you analyze what your audience needs and what works for them. I can help you make decisions on which tools and platforms to use, how to create educational content, check its effectiveness. I can also help you create the educational content.

Technical documentation

If your organization creates a digital product your customers need to be able to use it. Having world class documentation can mean the difference between customers recommending you or leaving in frustration.

I can help you in creating technical documentation end users will love. I can also help you setting up workflows to make sure the documentation accurately reflects the changes in your digital products.

Employee onboarding and training programs

Finding the right people to work in your organization can be a difficult and expensive process. A high quality onboarding experience makes sure your new colleagues can contribute quickly and feel useful fast.

Helping the people in your organization develop themselves through training programs makes them happier, more productive and it helps them stay around for longer.

I can help you set up, monitor and consistently improve your onboarding experience and training programs.